so we're one block off Golden Gate Park and ten blocks back off the ocean.
So one very simple study by Spelke and Baillargeon: Have babies shown a block with a bar going back and forth like that.
All of the businesses are in Madison Avenue, one block away, parallel.
So the inventor of the chess game said, "Ok. What I like is on the first block, first square, I would like one grain of rice.
So, what you do is you set up a couple of displays, one where the block is stopped, the other one where you take this away with a trap door and it keeps going.
If you can block one of those people from getting the vaccine, you also stop-- from getting the disease-- you also stop all the people they would have transmitted it too from getting a disease.
Another one might be "wait one second" which is another building block or puzzle piece and scratch.
We'll give it a name, but by linking that T to that T, we can also figure out the same T must be exerted on this one by Newton's third law, because if this block is the only one that could be pulling this rope with T.
我们先给它命个名,把这个 T 和那个 T 联系起来,利用牛顿第三定律,我们可以知道这个 T 也一定作用在这个物体上,因为如果这个物体是唯一,受到绳子拉力 T 的物体