And so at the end of the day, a hundred lines later, it should get to one hundred percent.
And the parade, I mean we're talking two hundred, three hundred thousand people in one day.
But vaccines, and particularly in the last hundred years, vaccines have been one of the most important elements in our progress.
And we won't wait here one hundred seconds for it to finish, but we're using the loop, we're updating a variable, and we're formatting it in a nice way.
John the Divine had written in Revelation 14 -- you know this: and no man could learn that song but the one hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.
For example, here in New Haven, we had one created called The New Haven Savings Bank, which lasted for over a hundred years and was taken over.
It landed about one hundred feet away covered with blood and brains.
And,so,instead of having where before you had something like one- hundred tolls you had to pay on the Loire River, if you're transporting some goods, they eliminate all those tolls, they try to create uniform weights and measures, and that'll take one-hundred years before that really works.
If some group, let's say you have cholesterol of two hundred and your relative risk is established at one, and then if you have cholesterol two fifty your relative risk is two, that means you have twice the risk, so relative risk of two is twice the risk, three is three times the risk, etc.
In the early days when there are four or five formulas, you could memorize all of them and you can try each one of them until something works, but after a couple of weeks you will have a hundred formulas and you cannot memorize all of them.
0 You go from one, which is this wide; then it goes to ten 100 and eventually it's going to go to one hundred.
There have also been one hundred-year bonds and there have also been perpetuities that-- in the UK, for example, the British Consoles-- have no expiration date and they have infinite maturity.
So, the broker calls you up and says, you're the last guy, you have the last one hundred shares in Google and Google wants to buy them and we'll give you $500 a share.
Some Arab Sheikh just paid one hundred million pounds for that apartment-- that penthouse apartment-- in that building and the same Sheikh is ordering a Airbus for his-- one of these big Airbus airplanes-- for his personal plane and he's having it plated with gold leaf.
And what would I have to do for those groups to matter such that, for instance, if I separate you in one group and you're in another group and I give you a hundred dollars will you give the money more to him or to him, will you give it more to your own group or to another group?
Then he comes back and says, I managed to get all but one hundred shares and there's this one guy-- this Yale student--who owns one hundred shares of Google stock and I'm having trouble getting him to sell.