These are honors reserved exclusively for virgins, honors reserved only for those who do not defile themselves with the sins of the flesh.
Those were tax cuts only for the richest, 1% or 2% of the country,
PROFESSOR BAWENDI: So the question was, for an isothermal expansion, delta u does not change, therefore, The answer is that's true only for an ideal gas.
It's a new form of monetary policya new invention which we've been doing only for a matter of months now.
In fact, he was knocked unconscious only for a short period and then he got up and his friends surrounded him and asked, "Are you okay?"
The citizen of the best regime he says must be able to sustain war if duty requires but only for the sake of peace and leisure.
she'd go over there, and she'd be there only for, you know, an hour,
Bentham tells us happiness, or more precisely, utility maximizing utility as a principle not only for individuals but also for communities and for legislators.
If only for a moment, Satan suddenly seems old and frail.
I know that some felt the pace of the arguments was a little slow, but I felt that this was generally necessary, not only for the unphilosophy-savvy population, but also to cover all points."
What he suggested is "Manhattan-Project-type attacks upon what I consider to be the truly Big Problems of our time, not only for psychology but for all human beings " with any sense of historical urgency".
We want not only for the cell to be able to synthesize the DNA, you want it to be able to express the protein off the DNA as well.
that are, you know, only for locals.
But because you only have a finite number of bits, the takeaway for today is that there's only so much precision.
And I think there was a time when that sense of dominion was used as justification for using those resources only to serve human needs.
Life has only recently got better for hard of hearing patients with the development of modern hearing aids and cochlear implants.