I have to write to them about that However we go to the text-only version here You see it`s all in text.
>> They only use that when the program that you're running-- the program that you're referring to is going to your computer?
You might think that its function is to make you more - a better cyclist but that's not its only function.
Well, the initially tempting thing to say is not only aren't you broken, but you're actually engaged in P-functioning.
Yes. Okay. What else? Other favorites? Did anyone have "Ambrose His Mark" as a favorite? Only one--two of you. That's extremely surprising.
If you're a dealer, you've got to keep your bid-ask at market; otherwise, you'll get only one side or the other, right?
0% That's right. That's the point at which you are getting to the top 10% of the US tax payers.- Yeah And only after that, does the scale increase.
You are required only to put the one or two-letter chemical abbreviation, the symbol.
I think the genius of this parable hinges on the fact that the servant who was only given one talent seems to be acting so perfectly reasonably - with a laudable form of caution and hesitation, you could actually say.
But we'd like a model that yields an outcome that looks-- that when you only have two firms looks somewhere between monopoly and perfect competition.
Now, what happens is half of the participants in the experiment who have listened to each of these tapes-- You only get to listen to one tape.
But even if you're totally nation-centric and even if you were only concerned with the United States, you still have to know what's going on around the world.
So, imagine growing up in a place like that where the past was so-- was written not only in the death of people that you knew, because everybody you knew died basically.
You may not like me," he says to the jury, " "but I am good for you and furthermore he claims in this what can only be described as sort of quasi-religious language that he has no choice in the matter.
I mean, you should not imagine when I say slaves--just take out of your mind the plantations of the old South, because when you only have one or two slaves, the master is working right alongside them, doing exactly the same work that they are doing, and also instructing them and telling them what's what.
So you can log into this, not only chat with this interactively, but on the right-hand side here, which is just a wallpaper right now, you can actually grant us view or control of your own screen.
Only by using wave-like properties as an explanation can you describe diffraction.
That would be - you could have a cell that did that but that would be cell that could only send one signal.
The only risks that are left are risks that everyone shares, so you would see planet-wide risks expressing themselves in consumption, but nothing else.
Now in this case the host - you want the host not only to replicate all the DNA, you want it also to express the gene.
The only rider on that being, if they're producing Coca-Cola and you have any kind of concern for your teeth, maybe you shouldn't produce so much anyway.
You say, oh oh, this is bad news, if this is the only--if only one rating agency does that, okay, but--and it's only AMBAC that's been down-rated, but you starting wondering.
Then you look at-- to the right of the line with meat, for example, only 30% percent of people are eating the recommended amount of meat, the rest are eating too much.
Now that--If the only language you've ever heard is English, that's going to seem like a really weird example of a problem because you're listening to me speak and in between each of my words you're hearing a pause.