I don't believe that markets are efficient and it doesn't really seem like it should be an open question.
open your textbook and put a circle around question number one.
It's an open question whether you'll believe it when this class comes to an end, but I'd be surprised if many of you believe it now.
And if we also ask the positive question, then some new possibilities,new quests open up, just like they did for the researchers when they started to ask ?" no longer "why do so many individuals fail?"
So here's my attempt to make the question both a bit more precise, and a question that's an open question.
Paradise Lost as a whole clearly wants us to believe that God has foreknowledge and it also clearly wants us to believe that we have free will, but the similes seem just as often to open up and to question the poem's doctrinal conclusions.
That's a really good question because if I open this up, why wouldn't it just reform with itself, why would it want to have this in here?