Milton opens up a shady space for something approaching a kind of moral relativism where black and white theological categories simply don't apply.
This opens a question wide for the respondent to really given any type of response.
All right. So you can already begin to see a development in intellectual history that perhaps opens the way to a certain skepticism.
One sort of opens up the beginning of life here and the other closes it down through a referencing of death.
Camille opens the door to their room when they're in Denver, and he finally sees Dean in Denver.
The memory bank, in turn, activates the electronic circuits; the window closes, the door opens, hopefully the cat comes in, and the automatic telephone goes into action; right?
And the epic opens before the formation of heaven and earth.
And the gears begin turning and the bud opens, dot, dot, dot, dot.
By extending your time horizon to three years, or four years,or five years, it opens up a whole host of investment opportunities that aren't available to people that are playing this silly,short-term game.
So you can no longer say, "Look. Physical things just can't do that" because we know physical things can do a lot and this opens up the possibility that humans are physical things, in particular, that humans are brains.
When Milton opens Lycidas with that phrase, "Yet once more," one of the things that he's telling the reader is that ; yet once more he'll be making the same argument for unreadiness; the same argument for nervous anticipation that he'd made a number of times before.
In few years' time, it opens up to other companies
and you know, opens hospitals and everything.
If a ligand comes and interacts with a receptor, it opens up; In the presence of this ligand, if the ligand goes away, it closes.
One of the things he does, and I guess this is one of the things to be put in neon from this lecture, is he opens up Russia, which had no secular influences at all, to western ideas.
他的成就之一,我想这也是今天讲座的重点之一,就是他将西方思想引入俄国,在此之前 俄国没有受到任何外界世俗的影响
He opens the door to the room, and there is a picture that Camille has drawn of Dean: a portrait of him completely naked, and it notes his penis in that picture.