That's why your operating systems and your personal computers often crash for no apparent reason. Just because two things happen to, once in a while, occur at the same time.
So thankfully, modern operating systems allow you to put parts of files here, parts of your file here, parts of your file here, but the end result is that your files get fragmented.
Now, in the world of Linux and Unix more generally, both of which are our operating systems that had been around for many, many years, Mac OS is based on one of-- one version thereof.
It's a little more involved on a PC but it's all free, the software you can download, and Linux in similar operating systems generally come with a compiler or you run a simple command to get it.
And if you've ever heard the word driver software that you install in your computer so that your computer, your operating system, Windows or Mac OS, knows how to talk to that piece of hardware, it's that driver software that then empowers the operating systems to send those commands as well, up, the data is laid out on the disk.