The syntax is OK in the sense of, it is an operand, an operator, an operand, so syntactically it's OK.
OK, in each case, what these things are doing, is they're doing, what sometimes gets referred to as operator overloading.
- And here as promised is that other operator -- looks a little weird, but because assignment is already using the equal sign to assign one value on the right to a variable on the left.
So here I've written for the hydrogen atom that deceptively simple form of the Schrodinger equation, where we don't actually write out the Hamiltonian operator, but you remember that's a series of second derivatives, so we have a differential equation that were actually dealing with.
The semantics was what caused the problem, because the operator was expecting a particular kind of structure there.
Well, the assignment operator makes a copy of the thing on the right and puts it in the thing on the left.
The reason I say that is, by having operator overloading I can use 1 generic interface to all of the objects that I want to use.
Because this is overloading that multiplication operator with two different tasks.
And one of the things neophytes trip over early on is that we'll soon see there's not only an equal sign operator, there's equals equals.
So, I'm now multiplying by the result of calling the size of operator, which we've seen before.
So this is the equality operator, whereas the single equal sign is the assignment operator.
Now, we're using the equal equals operator and this conceptually is correct.
What I want to point out also is that this h hat, the Hamiltonian operator written out for the simplest case we can even imagine, which is a hydrogen atom where we only have one electron that we're dealing with, and of course, one nucleus.
Just take a look: if this is 9, 5 divided by 9 is always going to be 0 point something, and if you thus have two integers and you're rounding down, which is what happens when you do integral math we're using this operator, I'm going to get zero times whatever.
STUDENT: What does it mean, the operator used, when you were calculating the remainder between nine and five?
So there are some downsides, in my view, to doing operator overloading, but there's some real pluses.
The equal sign is really called the "assignment operator."
So the assignment operator thus far makes copies of things.