It refers instead, to the concrete, collective, communal salvation from national suffering and oppression, particularly in the form of foreign rule or enslavement.
One thing that does matter to our base level of wellbeing which is external circumstance is democracy versus oppression.
Hamas is a word that literally means violence, bloodshed, but also all kinds of injustice and oppression.
And, so, this is an entry path to see this, to see this thing brought down as a symbol of centralized oppression.
Obviously poverty and racism and oppression can also corrupt one's spirit and turn the person into someone who is bitter and angry, filled with rage.
And in later letters in this series between her and Richard, and also in the review that she wrote up for the Book of the Month Club newsletter), she invokes the Nazis specifically as a comparison to the kind of oppression that Richard was trying to escape in the South.
On the one hand, those voices were ones that were quite condemnatory of the sham Christianity which they saw around them, which justified racism and slavery and oppression.