So that leaves us just with these two options, the two Matt Damon movies, Bourne Ultimatum and Good Shepherd.
And there are options: there are frat houses and there are houses along the row
So, there's been a number of articles that documented that stock prices tend to jump shortly after options are issued to managers.
We're left with the multiple options that she laments.
Lots of options I have to choose from, from the answers, but it's 5.
Let's look at my payoffs from choosing these three options Up, Middle, and Down, if I think it's equally likely that my opponent will choose Left and Right.
But that does seem to be the least unacceptable of the options.
So for each student the tutor builds a model of that Student's current state what the computer thinks they Know and doesn't know, and tries to present the student options that best meet what the tutor thinks are the student's need at that moment.
But, you know, in 2D, the options are not just left and right or north and south, but infinity of possible directions in which I could go those 5 km.
In this blank area over here next to the search tab you can type in any food that you're having, and then the program, unless it's something really unusual, the program will recognize it and then give you a series of options of things it thinks it might be.
But there are a lot of different, a lot of different options out there.
So there'll be options about when your discussion section will meet.
In our investing experiment that it was come with a puisne at Northwestern, she's now an assistent professor there people saw 3 options, two Stocks and a Bond.
If you want to get some input from the user, my God I don't want to have to program it to low level zero and 1 just to get keys from the keyboard; please let there have been someone who does that for me and indeed there are an increasingly sophisticated options that you can pull off the shelf.
The third group that was given the candies and put in a positive playful mood outperformed the other two groups significantly-- they thought about more options and they actually came up with better solutions with that problem.
Now, if you're just starting out, there are a lot of options.