Fish imagines Milton as always on some level slapping the reader's wrist, reminding the reader of his or her fallen-ness, that there's a constant pedagogical correction going on.
So if I want to use a string as we'll call it which is a word or phrase generally, they always go between double quotes, David hence the quotes around David, and they are double quotes not single quotes intentionally.
nd this convergence can never be precisely pinpointed, but must always remain virtual, as is not to be identified either with the reality of the text or with the individual disposition of the reader."
The city, as Aristotle understands, will always exist in a world with other cities or other states, based on different principles that might be hostile to one's own.
And he says on page 884: A poet writes always of his personal life, in his finest work out of its tragedies, whatever it be, ; remorse, lost love or mere loneliness; he never speaks directly as to someone at the breakfast table there is always a phantasmagoria.
So you don't want to put in a negative energy, that's not going to help you out, you need to put in positive energy to get an electron out of the system. So that's why you'll find binding energies are always negative, and ionization energies are always going to be positive, or you could look at the equation and see it from there as well.
And remember for this class, we always define z as the internuclear or the bond axis.
Just as Richards says, there's always something kind of archaic or atavistic about poetic thinking. It's not just that - it's not trying to tell the truth, as Sidney said-- "nothing lieth because it never affirmeth."