And so the guys in Office Space took that money and they-- -- their for loop-- way too fast is-- was the takeaway in that movie, when they freaked out because they had million dollars or something like that overnight.
When a student says, you know, "Thanks for that lesson, I really enjoyed it," or you know, or something like that,
Basic lesson of this movie is, if you take home a lesson, it's that all spies are psychos or something like that.
Whereas please help or dinner or something like that might actually be more compelling to a human.
By 1991, 1992, the company had grown ten times or something like that.
Physical objects is just a way of talking about the ideas the mind has or something like that.
This might be 1 in 100, 000, 000, 000 or something like that; don't write down the numbers I'm just using that for illustration.
There are only three people left in Britain who fought in World War One, only three, and they're about 110-years-old or something like that.
For example, you can bring people into a lab or something like that and show them food and say, well can you estimate how many calories are in this, and you actually know how many calories are in it, and you get the error.
Now as you may know-- some of you may have played clarinet in a high school band or something like that neither here nor there if you did or did not-- but you may know that there are other meters out there these things called six-eight .
There is this legend that he used to grab these huge chunks of meat and started gnawing on them like he would on a hotdog or something like that at a Yankee game, except that other people were already dressed up and the meat and the gravy was flying over them as he just sort of walked around gnawing on this stuff.
Oh, in fact, the girl that she was tutoring was having a birthday party or something like that...
I think they're about 17 and 5 or something like that or somewhere near that, not sure but
I mean, maybe if you accidentally like leaned into the steering wheel or something like that.
Because probably this girlfriend had to really talk her boyfriend into going or something like that
When they do this, you know, the universe ends or they solve the financial crisis in Washington or something like that actually good happens, right?
This limo driver told me this yesterday; he said it's going to cost him five hundred million pounds or something like that to do this.
Honor to so many of us sounds quaint, like an honor code or the Boy Scouts' code or something like that or something primitive, some kind of primitive ethic which we therefore don't really understand.
Well, again, it used to be believed that the brain is wired up like a computer, like a PC or a Mac or something like that, but we know this can't be true.
If you're talking about the year 750 or something like that it's-- I think it's in the hands, well, it is in the hands of the Assyrians and it will ultimately fall into the hands of the Persians.
And it turns out-- a little teaser for our security discussion as time passes that a lot of the times when software is compromised and you download Photoshop like a cracked version of Photoshop or something like that.
Each one of us has to think about this from the first person perspective or something like that.