So for instance, suppose you want to know, for whatever reason, do babies like the looks of dogs or cats?
And it just, it's not like a team sport or anything, so you just do it, whatever.
Whatever you want to do; check your email, publish tweets, go shopping or whatever, it can be solved by this one box.
801 Handy thing to do if you're doing 1801, 1806 all right, or 1806, or whatever you want to do those things in.
Crushing your computer, or whatever it is that you do as you write the great American novel.
If you click on that then you pull up the whole article and then you'll have it and you can store it, or just read it and do whatever you wish.
until you're old enough to go to like bars or whatever you want to do.
So a loop or an infinite loop, because true is always true, there is no-- nothing on the screen that seems to change this keyword true, so this is actually a deliberate infinite loop, but so was that thing up top to forever say hi or whatever it is you wanted to do.