I'm willing to bet that some of you had noted in your reading last night, or whenever you did your reading, perhaps you actually underlined the sentence that we've just looked like.
Use this pattern whenever you want to find out about the timing of an event in the past, present, or future.
They can do it on rare occasions, or they can do it whenever they feel like it, or they can do it regularly; it's often done quarterly.
The state of nature fully continues, in many ways, oddly even in civil society, he says, whenever we have reason to believe that our lives or our properties or ourselves are not secure.
By the way, when we turn in concept sheets each week you'll have the option of turning them in either on Monday or on the Wednesday of that week, whenever you choose to do it is fine.
So whenever you see "Lord" or "God" those are actually pointing to different words that are being used in the underlying Hebrew text.
Use this pattern whenever you wish to express your intention to do or not to do something.
But whenever we've had a reform era there's been a big issue, or two or three or four.
Use "When" whenever you want to ask about the timing of a certain event or series of events.
In fact, there's a rabbinic image, there's a rabbinic tradition that talks about this period of time, and has God and Moses talking, and God says: Listen, between the two of us, whenever I blow hot, you blow cold, or when I pour hot water, you pour cold, and when you pour hot, I'll pour cold, and together we'll muddle through, and get through here.
Then later on,whenever you want, you can take your money out Meanwhile, they invest the deposits some way or another at a higher interest rate than they pay on the deposits and they make the difference and that's how they make a profit.