The radius of the orbit, the energy of the system and the velocity of the electron, I am just going to present you the solutions.
If de Broglie is correct, we could then model the electron in its orbit not moving as a particle, but let's model it as a wave.
Let's imagine this is the electron in its orbit.
In order to have an electron in a stationary orbit this implies standing wave.
It is the value of the radius of the ground state electron orbit in atomic hydrogen.
Well, suppose I want to look at something like an electron in orbit here.
That is the electron in its lowest orbit, to the nucleus of atomic hydrogen.
I am going to say if that electron is to stay in its orbit, that is to say it doesn't flee the atom, it doesn't collapse under the nucleus then the sum of the forces on the electron must be zero No net force. And so that will be the sum of a dynamic force plus an electrostatic.
n So the velocity is given by this product of the quantum number n Planck constant 2 pi mass of the electron time the radius of the orbit, which itself is a function of n.