If we overlay what the actual molecular orbital is on top of it, what you see is that in the center you end up cancelling out the wave function entirely.
So, first, if I point out when l equals 0, when we have an s orbital, what you see is that angular part of the wave function is equal to a constant.
We talked about the wave function for a 2 s orbital, and also for a 3 s orbital.
So, saying wave functions within molecules might sound a little confusing, but remember we spent a lot of time talking about wave functions within atoms, and we know how to describe that, we know that a wave function just means an atomic orbital.
And again, I want to point out that a molecular orbital, we can also call that a wave function, they're the same thing.
It's the same thing with molecules a molecular wave function just means a molecular orbital.
So the probability again, that's just the orbital squared, the wave function squared.
And we also, when we solved or we looked at the solution to that Schrodinger equation, what we saw was that we actually needed three different quantum numbers to fully describe the wave function of a hydrogen atom or to fully describe an orbital.
And what we end up forming is a molecular orbital, because as we bring these two atomic orbitals close together, the part between them, that wave function, constructively interferes such that in our molecular orbital, we actually have a lot of wave function in between the two nuclei.
In contrast when we're looking at a p orbital, so any time l is equal to 1, and you look at angular part of the wave function here, what you see is the wave function either depends on theta or is dependent on both theta and phi.
So they're the same shape, this is the shape of the orbital or the shape of the wave function, and we can call this either 2 p x a being combined with 2 p x b, or we could say since it's the same shape, it's 2 p y a being combined with 2 p y b.