The unnarratable is that immersion in our lives such that there is no sense of form or order or structure.
Here, this destruction brings forth a new order, a new form of life that Yeats calls "terrible beauty."
Yeah, particularly when it takes prophetic form, that is a form that stands in condemnation of those things in sort of order, in the rums of power, that enslave people, that oppress people that mistreat people.
So it already should make sense why we have that p orbital there, in order to form a pi bond, we're going to need a p orbital.
That's because you have to satisfy this base pair matching in order to have hydrogen bonding in each of the struts of the ladder in order to form a stable structure.
In order to counteract the packaged and monumental form of The Norton, ] I will be using Beinecke's and Sterling's resources, using Power Point digitized files.