So, the two most elementary ideas you learn are what is the average velocity of an object, as then ordered by the symbol v-bar.
Well I need to take that number and I'm going to turn it into a string. So notice what I'm going to do right here. I take that number and convert it into a string. That's an example of that type conversion we did earlier on. By doing that it makes it possible for me to treat it as an ordered sequence of characters.
And by that I mean a Burkean conservatism, a set of beliefs that says the world is ordered as it is, for reasons, and that human beings ought not tinker with that order, very much.
这里我指的是一种保守主义,相信这世界是始终按照秩序,运转的一套信仰,因此,人类 无论如何不能去僭越规则