Kant calls it "purposiveness"--that is to say, the way in which the thing is organized according to some sort of guiding pattern.
which is, you know like, not as organized or intense as a varsity sport,
It was a wonderful place from which to see the city, a wonderful place from which to feel that everything was organized at its feet.
As I say, we'll start to get our discussion sections organized on Monday and they should be set, I hope, by the Wednesday lecture next week.
Once your programs get fairly complex, it becomes harder and harder to find things and to tweak things if you're not being organized.
So in music what has happened is that we have organized this steady stream of beats in ways that we can understand.
So, you would try to take your message to one of the Pan Hellenic festivals which were getting organized about this time.
The class is organized first to teach you the methods of the historical critical approach to the New Testament,and help you learn how to do those through exegesis and historical study.
And probably by the end of the first century, all of this was organized in some way.
In addition once a week, besides the regular intelligence briefing, which was organized by the intelligence community.
It was organized by the SEC in 1973, but the SEC didn't want to do this job; they wanted it to be done privately.
Edward King, in fact, seems to have been sufficiently well liked or admired that when news of his death hit Cambridge, a group of his friends organized something like an anthology of poems in his honor.
All right. So that's what the subject matter's going to be, and I'm going to tell you a little bit about how the course is organized.
In that process, cells become different in ways that appear to be highly organized.
He left England with many of the royal families, the aristocratic families, who were threatened by the republican armies organized by Cromwell and that had executed the King.
Fortunately, the brain is not organized that way.