The first is the radical theology, and the second is this poem's equally radical and equally daring original verse form.
So it's built only a few metres away from the site of the original Shakespeare Globe of the 1600s.
So Muslims believe that Koran has maintained its original form since it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad, 14 centuries ago.
Ignore this one here 'cause this is when I was just writing down the original list of size 1.
How can you write an original poem when your literary consciousness is essentially made up of the memory of all the things that you've read before?
If you don't make it to class, contact your TA, your recitation instructor, and you can take a makeup within a week of the time of original test.
It would have a certain koine to it; that is, a Greek overlay, over what may be also be there, the original indigenous kind of cultures and languages.
Shelly Kagan But if neither of us is Shelly Kagan, then the simple original personality theory was false.
Therefore, humans, according to Genesis 1, were created vegetarian, And in every respect, the original creation is imagined as free of bloodshed and violence of every kind.
Well, look at this footnote: And the history of words after a poem is written may contribute meanings which if relevant to the original pattern should not be ruled out by a scruple about intention.
In the original city when they had to get permission to form a colony, what group of people was it that they gave permission?
I wanted to watch that as well, but... The remake is based on the original script.
The strategies that are less than 67 but bigger than 45, I think these strategies are not, they're not dominated strategies in the original game.
Well, let's go back up to our original starting point of recipes.
They had done original photography for it. It was really spectacular.
The Heart. What theme had Homer but original sin?"