This day is separated from all other days by additional rules and observances in keeping with its profound holiness.
I met a man the other day who told me that when he was in high school, he had a pen pal.
We have 266, as some of you might know who saw me counting ping-pong balls the other day in office hours.
Having said that, funny I was talking to somebody the other day who works for the Academy of American Poets.
I quoted the other day Wallace Stevens saying that poetry should "make the visible a little hard to see."
I mentioned, I don't remember in what context, the other day that the most famous example is the drunken assembly.
How many of you-- I was walking with a student over to my office after lecture the other day to get some material to him.
And so we looked at some alternatives the other day.
The other day, I was looking for my bank in an unfamiliar neighborhood.
And when Gambetta, whom you can read about,whom I mentioned the other day, when he said,"clericalism,there's the enemy"; and,then you had this sort of campaign against the church, particularly the teaching aspect of the church that's fascinating, which I'll talk about later.
I just heard the other day that Google has been... not Google.
I was talking to a friend about this the other day.
You think, some other day, I don't want to talk today about the probability of one of us dying.
Olives, for the purposes that I mentioned to you the other day that is a very important one.
You were leaning his, the beauties of the man to me the other day ? I thought... No?
As I said the other day if that Confederate flag would just go away, just vanish, just stick it in the basement of museums and no one would ever care about it anymore, maybe, maybe the South's burden would go away.