Their great brown, innocent eyes looked into ours with such soulful intensity that not one of us had the slightest sexual thought about them.
but ours was all over the news when,
exactly who they were targeting and how, though I got the sense that their approach was similar to ours.
Well, innovation is a process, not a thing, with a company like ours.
But since life expectancy in the Ancient World was much less than ours, you didn't have usually several generations in these households, because older people just died.
Ours a much more visual-- it's a much more analytical-- type of approach to music and it has its pros and cons.
Again, we reserve the right to move people around if we have to, just to balance load, but we want you to find something that fits your schedule rather than ours.
There are only bodies, though when you've got a functioning body like ours, so the physicalist says, these bodies can do some pretty amazing things.
But for now, what I want to do is talk about Plato's democracy and ours.
You'll see this was written by a former student of ours.
There are some examples that can bring out the moral intuition that our labor can take something that is unowned and make it ours, though sometimes, there are disputes about this.
You wrote: I grew up believing that ours was a country that try to stand for good in the world and that upheld the fundamental values that bind us together as a nation.
I mean, you're into the ballgame for an alphabet such as ours.
And that's something you often experience in a company like ours.
But Aristotle's mixed constitution differs from ours still in certain important respects.
It is not a regime like ours devoted to maximizing individual liberties, but it is one that puts the education of its citizens, the education of its members, as its highest duty.
If this theory you might say of sort of cataclysmic change is true we cannot rule out the possibility that a constitution like ours or even identical to ours existed at some point in the ancient past in the far distant past that Aristotle knew about.
We can only show proper love and concern for things that are ours, not things that are common.
Financial markets similar to ours are being set up in many places.
So the great political thinkers were typically engaged in the politics of their times and help in that way to provide us okay with models for how we might think about ours.