He's not claiming--and he points this out to us-- that his explication is the true one. That's not his point at all.
But yeah, most of the time I'm just working out with pull-ups and whatever else there is here.
In the star war movies, Darth Vader webs out his life server and slices off the--hand of Luke SkyWalker.
It's deliberate that a lot of the examples in lecture are fairly short and bite-size so that you can actually focus on pulling out the key ideas without getting distracted by line and lines of code.
What did he manage to pull out information-wise from using these two relationships? And actually to do this, he made a few more observations.
And the temperature scale that turns out to be well-defined and ends up giving us the concept of an absolute zero is the ideal gas thermometer.
Suppose you are moving after five years, you took out a thirty-year mortgage and you're moving after five years.
And again, this points out something I wanted to me-- I mentioned last time, list can be heterogeneous, in the sense that the elements can be multiple different types.
He moves out and he goes on -- and of course, he's still being supported quite generously by his father -nonetheless, he goes on an extended tour through France and Italy.
And this is how--on 179 and 180--this is how he images a way out of himself.
And very often what that does-- a positive emotion can take us out of this downward spiral and create an upward spiral.
I think of nineteenth-century art as being horizontal and stretched out like agricultural life in New England.
Now let me switch to the implicit purposes of socialization and time-out.
This is--If you'll hold out your hand and--one hand flat.
There was a case of a very minor insurrection in an obscure Italian city in 1848 where the people of the town literally locked the ruler out of the town-- and Italy remains decentralized.
But they kept that village just the way it was, and they built one next to it. In about 1952 some people, about your age, started to party, and somebody came out with a gun and said we don't party in Oradour-sur-Glane.