Of course--and you know this to be the case from like any literary critic who ever tried to write an analysis of anything, Chudleigh has no choice but to nudge the lines that she's quoting out of context.
So, fairly simple idea, who knows why we actually care what the values of X or Y are at least in this out of context.
They're all just doing their own thing in the context of the harmonies that are playing out here, and it's just magical I think.
We finished Black Boy last time, and one of the big questions coming out of my discussion of that autobiography is: how do you manage the question of context in reading a novel or an autobiography--in reading any text?
This is simply another example of how moral goodness grows out of and even requires a context of moral evil. Machiavelli's advice to you is clear.
We want to make sure that if the students would not to be given the time out to learn, we need to provide a vehicle or that they can take the advantage of learning in their world context to actually put the theory into practice.
and much easier. But when we look at even within women's rights, can you give a brief assessment of how you think this places out in our own context, in American context, like the competing claims of human rights and religious rights?
So at the end of the day we're not gonna get out of this need to compare, at least in this context of cups that have weights or ints that have values.