Alright, so it turns out there're two other useful types that you don't get for free out of the box.
If you decide that you think Daniel is not scripture, or you think the Revelation of John is not scripture, just take it out of the box.
But out of the box, you generally just get these so-called "primitives."
The lever gets them out of the box, but after more and more trials they stopped scratching at the bars, pushing at the ceiling and so on.
But I think for anybody who wants to think a little bit out of box, what counts is the chance to try something, and I guess that's what I'm most grateful for in my career.
This is just a picture of that little box, so it's going to turn out it goes from, the pink line goes from here to here and the blue line goes from here to here.
Well, it turns out C, like a lot of languages, comes out of the box with a whole bunch of built-in variable types.