I did two things: first thing I did when I got to Harvard, was to find out where the program for poor children was, and Black Panther Party was sponsoring.
You're about to go out to a wonderful party.
I was at a party a few years ago for a friend of mine and we ran out of food so he said, " "I'll just go pick up some food."
But they kept that village just the way it was, and they built one next to it. In about 1952 some people, about your age, started to party, and somebody came out with a gun and said we don't party in Oradour-sur-Glane.
And for the Presbyterian Party in 1644, it turns out there are in fact a number of factions to control and to manipulate and to regulate.
You could use the "Is there" pattern to find out about whether there's a party and hopefully, you can receive an invitation.
你可以用“Is there”句型来确认是否有这样一个派对,希望自己能够得到邀请。