p Well, it's not just p dS/dV because there's some dS/dV at constant T.
So the most basic answer that doesn't explain why is just to say well, the s orbital is lower in energy than the p orbital, but we now have a more complete answer, so we can actually describe why that is.
When all goes well, the body is also capable of engaging in higher order personal P-functioning.
If you've never seen it, it's a Kirk Douglas movie that's a good movie, and it's about the mutinies on the Western Front, and it's very good. We used to say, well come to 101 and it'll be a film that'll be shown at 8 p.M.
p2 It's minus p external. Well p external is actually p2, so that makes it actually easier.
Well, one possibility would be to say, the question is not whether you are P-functioning.
Well, presumably because whatever cognitive structures it takes in your brain to underwrite the ability to P-function, those cognitive structures have been broken, so they no longer work.
But unlike the case with boron where we had an empty p orbital, we're actually going to have an electron in the p orbital of carbon as well.
So we can also show them coming together this way, so now you're looking at it where you can see the p orbital, and maybe just see well one of the hydrogen atoms.
Well, now they're P-functioning.
And again, you might be thinking well, why didn't we actually hybridize this 2 p y orbital.
I'm sure you're thinking well, what do we do in the case of p orbitals, and, in fact, we can do the same thing.
JT dT/dp is positive, well that's mu JT.