That constellation of risk factors that gets packed together tells you more in some cases about a person's risk for disease than if all you knew was their weight.
But Harlem, it seems like things are even more packed in there.
Can you imagine a stadium packed with soldiers and all that?
All of this anxiety, and when you think of it, all of this shame as well as the shame of ambition -all of this gets packed into this allusion to Virgil that Milton brings to this very disturbing moment in Lycidas.
I mean, you're in a movie theater that is just packed.
Okay, so you can see the size of the errors and you can see the problem with dietary assessment, and you can see the problem with how many calories get packed in processed foods.
A lot of things are very packed in.
Some of them are changes in the - not the sequence of DNA, not the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA but the chemistry of DNA around that the way that it's packed into a nucleus.