That means that the price of each share should decline by the amount they paid out divided by the number of shares.
and it turned out recently that the News of the World had paid private detectives
It turns out that the group that had--were paid a dollar rated the task as much more fun than the group given twenty dollars.
Somebody else figured out, how much does he get paid on an hourly basis?
Well, Willett and others were doing studies for a number of years finding that Trans fats were having a very negative impact on health, but nobody paid much attention and they couldn't get much attention out there in the world for this kind of work.
And 95% of income must be paid out--they can't retain earnings.
You will be--you are entitled to receiving the dividends that are paid out of earnings for the rest of your life and you can give it to your children and maybe in two hundred years from now it'll be worth a lot; probably not, but it might be.
For example, how much would you have to be paid to have one upper front tooth pulled out?