They different greatly in style. Genesis 1 is formalized, it's highly structured, it has the seven days and everything's paired up.
And then you have like, you're paired with the person who has oar for the other side.
Hence the title of this slide all right so 2, we've got you two paired off?
And they said, suppose we know we're going to be paired together, I'll choose Beta if you choose Beta. Would that work?
It couldn't have been a very complicated algorithm because it basically paired people up randomly on the campus.
Look at the claim it's paired with.
Disaccharides, where you have several sugars paired together, are maltose, sucrose, and lactose; and then you can see to the right of the sugars themselves which things are paired in this case.
But days three and six each have an extra element, And the fact that the first elements here pair up nicely with each other suggests that the extra element on day three and the extra element on day six might also be paired in some important way.
When it cuts it leaves sticky ends or un-base paired single stranded regions on each end of the part its cut and that's just a property of many restriction enzymes; not all, some cut blunt,just right down the middle.
Because we have paired set in a 2 s orbital, so all we're left essentially is two electrons that are available for bonding.
I will randomly pair your form with another form and neither you nor your pair will ever know with whom you were paired.
At the University of Minnesota, a computer algorithm paired people up.
- But the computer-- but a lot of data about all the students on campus were-- -- was collected--were collected and people were then randomly paired up and sent to the dance.
If you put Beta and you're paired with Alpha, you'll get a C and your pair an A.
But it doesn't actually cost as much energy as you might think, because in this s orbital here we have a paired electron situation where we're moving up to a p orbital where the electron is no longer paired, so it won't feel quite as much electron repulsion, but nonetheless, this is going to cost us energy.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to put me here, and my pair, the person I'm randomly paired with here, and Alpha and Beta, which are the choices I'm going to make here and on the columns Alpha and Beta, the choices my pair is making.
Well they won't be, If you put Alpha and you're paired with Beta, then you will get an A and your pair a C.