These public-private distinctions are onerous -are offensive--to some people because it seems like the government is acting like a parent.
And where they feed them, you know and like sometimes the parent might get home late from work.
extending the issue of the two-parent versus one-parent family is, "To what extent are these notions validated " cross-culturally?"
An asymmetrical division is not like that, it's when a parent cell forms two cells that are different in some way.
What the relationship is between these ions and their parent atoms.
The master occupies toward him the place of parent or guardian.
Now there's a political and business history to this because KFC, as large a company as it is, is owned by a larger parent company, believe it or not, called Yum Brands.
So we have a lot of sort of love and marriage imagery, husband and wife imagery, used for God and Israel, but we also have this parent and child imagery that appears.
Similarly, he says, a wife or a parent cannot be coerced to accuse a loved one.
Joe says it is theft, maybe in an extreme case it's justified, maybe a parent is justified in stealing a loaf of bread to feed his or her hungry family.
That's a good question. As a parent or as a principal?
Fore sure, I was just dealing with someone today who lost some parent and lost a relationship.
So this takes all the information from CD-ROM and makes it into a story that a teacher, a parent, a librarian could read to the children.
Now if you were not born in the United States, you may still be, under definition, a natural born US citizen if you're born outside this United States, both of your parents are citizens of the United States and at least one parent has lived in the United States.
You might want to say in the real world, if you go to a movie theater for this R-rated movie, "Are you 18 and over or are you with a parent?"
And they attribute it to the fact that, for all sorts of reasons, the ugly kid just matters less to the parent.