So even though it's true that some kind of recycling takes place, we can't conclude that everything that's now a part of me will continue to exist afterwards.
I think the hardest part, it seems to me, of kind of, the elite universities in this country is getting in.
So if we want belief in a soul to help us leave open the door to the possibility that I survive the destruction of my body, it had better not be that the body is an essential part of me.
And so part of the wilderness experience for me I think Mark Twain talks about wilderness and he says, I do it chiefly because it is difficult.
Same way that I have multiplication or division as a primitive, functions are going to give me, or somebody else who wrote them for me as part of a library, a new primitive that I'm going to be able to use.
That's a very important part of Star Festival just as I share my stories with you, I would like you to share stories with me and with others who are doing exactly the same thing that you will be doing.
People are already shaking their heads over me and any immediate God further professional use on my part of the word "God" except as a familiar, healthy American expletive will be taken or rather confirmed as the very worst kind of name dropping and a sure sign that I'm going straight to the dogs.
There's also a part of the payoffs that's analogous to forcing me to drink Bud Light or forcing the forcing the Pepsi drinkers to drink Coca-Cola.
That the skills, and particular, the social experiences in exposure to the non-technical part of the world, as a young person, made a huge difference for me.
I just want to do roles or create roles for me that I want to be a part of
Let me just say something about the Clouds this comic play this satire on Socrates because it is part of that initial accusation that Socrates says is leveled against him.
For me, that's part of the connection that makes me feel more present.
Part of the thrill has got to be-- or so it seems to me-- part of the thrill has got to be the very fact that they now have an increased risk of death.
I'm going to set up an index, which is going to tell me where to look, starting at the first part of the list, right?
Even if there is an immortal soul-- Sorry. Even if there is a non-physical soul that's part of me, we don't yet have any reason to believe that it's one of the fundamental building blocks that were being recycled.
I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you and also to have been a part of this beloved community for these many years. It's been a privilege and an opportunity for me to think more about what the next chapter of my life will bring.
And I can obviously do the other direction which is I can say skip to index 2 and all the remaining pieces. This lets me slice out, if you like, the front part or back part or a middle part of the tuple as I go along.
Even now, as I'm sitting here lecturing to you, part of me, because of this very question that I'm raising, is thinking about how's the lecture going, and am I going to get through what I need to get through, and so forth and so on.
Part of it is, it takes me an hour and half to settle myself down enough, that I'm actually paying attention and, be more aware of what happening.
Let me talk a little bit about technology because that's also a big part of it.
But first of all I wanna welcome you to the Inner Core and I want to say just by introduction how inspiring it has been to work with you over these last years since I've been here. You were part of the group that hired me and I thank you so much for that.
I'm using it as an abstraction, saying I'm going to have square root from somewhere, maybe I'll build it myself, maybe somebody gives it to me a s part of a library, so I'm burying the details inside of it.