Because we do try to give as much partial credit as possible in these exams, since there are a lot of places where small mistakes can result in the wrong answer.
So the partial pressure or the pressure by which you have this triple point, happens to be 6.1 times 10 to the minus 3 bar.
And, coincidently, what is the partial of energy with respect to distance?
All right, so implied consent. That's a partial answer to this challenge.
A It tells me that the partial of A with respect to T at constant V is minus S. Right?
We have discovered that this partial derivative that appears in the definition, the abstract definition of the differential for internal energy, is just equal to the constant volume heat capacity.
So, using those, now, what happens if we take the second derivative of A, the mixed derivative, partial with respect to T and the partial with respect to V.
OK, so for a constant volume process, du we can write du, partial derivative of dT u with respect to T at constant V, dT, dv plus partial derivative of u at constant V, dV.