What are some of the particular opportunities and challenges of being a Muslim chaplain in America on a secular university campus?
Conquest and exile were events that normally would spell the end of a particular ethnic national group, particularly in antiquity.
They travelled to a model shop and all the other sites, until they were finally ready to focus on particular ones.
If you start segregating the gases, there are fewer possible configurations that because you're forcing a particular set of circumstances.
When we consider the particular circumstances that occasioned the poem Lycidas, we can see why Milton, I think, chose this pastoral form.
She wrote a very compelling argument about O'Connor's fiction not about Wise Blood in particular, but about her stories.
I'm going to define a class, and in particular, what I'm going to do, is walk through what that says.
And you used this sort of particular vantage point and you chose to in a way that really embraces pluralism.
As I say, it's a wonderful irony that this particular difficulty in reading is precisely what Gadamer calls being pulled up short.
So there are also an increasing number of women in computer science and particular this course which we are thrilled about.
But the point I want to make about it is much more general and we don't have to look at particular cases to make it.
I won't unpack them all for you now but every one of those details comes from some interpretation of a particular Greek term that Christians used.
It was just focused on bringing up the product and making people wear the brand again and how the brand is aligning to this particular feeling and story.
So you're basically having a wave equation for a particle, and for our purposes we're talking about a very particular particle. What we're interested in is the electron.
Even though we are continuing to hear sound, harmonically, psychologically, we know we're finished when he hits that particular tonic.
High adherence scores, good adherence to the Mediterranean Diet across all these studies, was associated with these particular health outcomes.