Well, it's on one hand a very large idea to take in, particularly I think if one's working in a university.
Cummings actually boldly experimented with this principle and he attracted the attention of the linguists, particularly a linguist named Dell Hymes.
The genius of Fish's reading of Milton's similes is to understand the particularly time-bound nature of Milton's verse.
Because they would have started with the hypothesis, not that there existed a month, but that June was particularly likely.
What's particularly interesting is you get this effect easily with undergraduates but you also get it with four-year-olds and with monkeys.
But vaccines, and particularly in the last hundred years, vaccines have been one of the most important elements in our progress.
I think it's a good idea to take the lab, particularly in this particular class because I don't have any demonstrations.
What I'm looking for you to come away with when you read those scientific publications particularly, are the big picture issues.
It's not a particularly interesting game, but while we're here, why don't we just discuss it for a second.
These women are not free to move around, particularly those who are required by their religious community to remain in their homes and only go outside perhaps with their chaperon.
But we'll go over that, particularly some exceptions, when we're filling in electron configurations, and how we would go about doing that for positive ions, which follow a little bit of a different procedure.
And in important ways, the Israelite cult is strikingly similar, particularly in the sacrifices I've just described.
Particularly the front of the eye, the cornea and the sheet that covers the cornea was particularly damaged.
Once they freed up interest rates, interest rates on deposits started soaring and banks started taking greater risks, particularly Savings and Loans.
So, if you want to designate anything it has to be by tangible things like pottery,particularly painted pottery,because it's easier to categorize.
所以 如果你想标注某段时期,你必须借助有形的事物,就像陶器,尤其是彩绘陶器,因为它们更容易分类
So because so much popular music and particularly rock music has those chords in root position we can track them more readily.