And the path that I'm describing then, let's assume that we're raising the temperature up is this path right here.
so I'm heating up the system in this path here, and then to connect the 2 endpoints here, a constant temperature path.
When it comes to the dangers that I might have faced when it came to going down a more destructive path.
So if you think about the way something like, say, Mapquest works, and last week in recitation you looked at the fact that shortest path is exponential.
So that you're not just handed something that's entirely new to you with no idea which direction to go, we actually do set you off on an appropriate path.
Hess' Law states that for any chemical reaction, the energy change is path independent.
And, so, this is an entry path to see this, to see this thing brought down as a symbol of centralized oppression.
PROFESSOR: Okay, so before we get to some of these course policies, I think I'll tell you a little bit about my path to chemistry as well.
If you have a quantity which is constant over any closed path, that quantity is a thermodynamics state function.
Path number 2 on my diagram it's a reversible, this path number 2, it's a reversible constant pressure path.
so we're going to use this concept of the path to go from the initial point to the end point.
So I could get to that object either through this path or through that path, it didn't matter which path I use to modify it, I would see it when I looked at the other. Yes.
More than one can say or care to admit, it may ultimately be a matter of temperament which path one chooses to take.
My path in life was fundamentally altered by just a handful of courses at this place and this was in fact one of them.
The path was rocky, as some of them... Eventually I wound up at Yale and then I wound up staying at Yale to teach.
So, this observation is equivalent to saying that there must be something that is path independent.