It turns out that blood within the umbilical cord is also a rich source of stem cells and again specific to a particular patient.
If you're a doctor and you've got a patient who's running away from you at the speed of light, you'll know what to do.
The absence of this smaller region tells you that this sample came from a sickle patient.
A patient who had damage to part of his brain and can only say one word, "Tan," and the person would say, "Tan, tan, tan, tan," and everything else was gone.
Is the only reason that you as a doctor won't yank the organs out of the healthy patient that you think, well, if I use him in this way, in the long run more lives would be lost?
So small silly little exercise but I'm hoping that you've sort of seen how by being patient.
It was implanted into the first patient, a gentleman in Kentucky, and he stayed alive for a period of time with this device replacing his heart.
It's another example of Biomedical Engineering technology that allows us to look at what's happening inside an individual, a patient, in a totally different way than we were before.
Or, if you're a pediatrician with a really small patient who will not sit still, it's because the laws of quantum mechanics don't allow an object to have a definite position and momentum.
This particular one down here, this portion here is a heart/lung machine and this is a machine that can take over the function of a patient's heart and lungs during the period when they're undergoing open heart surgery, for example.
If I took this same restriction enzyme and tried to cut the chromosomal DNA of a sickle patient, it wouldn't cut at that point because the wrong sequence is there.