It's a scheme that in English counts accents or stresses per line and then arranges them in a pattern.
You will find this pattern very useful anytime you're not feeling happy about something and you want to express yourself.
Here, the cloud becomes the obscuring of this sense of intent to communicate or a sense of meaning's pattern.
If we're actually there, we no longer have to worry about the way it organizes everything around it into a kind of rigorous unfolding pattern.
And on the right is showing you what pattern of activity would be in a controlled brain in most view.
So what have I done? We've now generalized the idea of iteration into this little pattern.
So, that's another six- note scale but a different sort of pattern, a different kind of pattern.
What's the pattern here? What's the pattern here?
So study this, master this pattern as well as the other patterns, and you really can master English step by step.
Now, the simile concludes with the strong sense of a hideous change -and you will recognize this pattern again and again in Milton -the hideous change undergone by the fallen angels.
The idea being if I find a pattern across multiple people's computers maybe all of those people are infected with the same kind of malware or virus or worm.
Use this pattern whenever you want to find out about the timing of an event in the past, present, or future.
We usually use this pattern when the question that you're asking about relates directly to the person you're speaking with.
What's changing along here is the what's changing along this pathway is the expression pattern of genes in cells.
You can't know just by looking at a pattern or a distribution or result whether it's just or unjust.
The primary metrical pattern in Frost is the primary metrical pattern in English poetry, which is to say blank verse or unrhymed iambic pentameter.