For it is peculiar to man as compared to other animals that he alone has a perception of " good and bad, just and unjust and other things."
And it's not just peculiar to the West.
This may seem to be a perfectly reasonable vision for a poet considering himself to be an inspired poet to have, but there's something peculiar here.
One peculiar property of this--incidentally, at every point of time this thing holds, this is time to maturity.
We're going to take up this question initially of it's an old, old, old American question how peculiar, or distinctive, or different is the American South?
Remember also that the city that brought Socrates to trial was not just any city it was a peculiar kind of city it was Athens.
Why do you like to measure angle in the peculiar way?
At the very moment that Woolf advises women readers to look past Milton's bogey, she finds herself in the peculiar position of echoing the poetry of John Milton.
What is this peculiar kind of piety ? that he claims to practice?
God's extremely peculiar configuration of the human body You read this and you realize that Samson is really on to something here Why didn't, we ask with Samson God implant the sense of sight in human beings just as he implanted the sense of touch or feeling?