All right. Then we're going to set low to-- low and high, and we're going to perform exactly the process I talked about.
It happens in, I think, April and last year we had Snoop Dogg come perform, so that was really cool.
So what that means is the compiler is actually going to first "cast" so to speak 13 from whatever it is - to a float -- to a floating point value -- and then perform the division for us.
One, we can train them to perform these elaborate eye and arm movement tasks as you are seeing here I will describe.
They performed-- not only the teacher; the teacher did perform better-- but the students actually performed better when they had high expectations, when they believed in their teachers.
She can perform magic and she can do monstrous things that you can't imagine a Greek woman doing, at least the Greeks can't imagine, so that's not Greek territory out there.
We're going to talk about those in more detail in a couple of weeks when we talk about the immune system because these are the cells that perform and regulate the functions of our immune system that protect us from disease.
And then when I tell them like, "No, we just had Armin van Buuren perform a few weeks ago."
Poetry, you remember--this is a scientist-- is no more true than religion, but it can perform the function of religion and is therefore capable of saving us.
They structure Frost's work as a poet and his ongoing inquiry into that work. Frost poems perform a kind of phenomenology of work, of labor.
So this could be summarized as the law of effect, which is a tendency to perform an action's increased if rewarded, weakened if it's not.
A Catholic church would hire a Catholic priest to perform Catholic Mass.
Question: Doctor, before you perform autopsy ? did you check for a pulse?
So having said that about musical notation-- something about a cautionary tale about musical notation-- we should think about how it affects the way we compose music in the West and how we perform music in the West.
And out here they're a lot more creative and try to like perform for you.
She's 16. She's auditioned for a national choir that's going to perform during the Olympics.