The Roman poet philosopher Juvenal said men need not so much be informed as reminded.
In fact, he actually emphasized a concept that was first stated by a French philosopher Louis Blanc in the mid-nineteenth century.
The philosopher is described by Plato as someone with knowledge of the eternal forms, lying behind or beyond the many particulars.
David Hume Another example of this is another philosopher,David Hume, whom we'll be reading at the end of the semester.
And as a starting point there's a lovely quote from the psychologist and philosopher William James that I want to begin with.
Theodicy is the term coined by the eighteenth-century philosopher Leibniz, and he applied this term theodicy to just that kind of philosophical sentiment that's implied by its etymology.
Here is a philosopher in life and in death who adhered to the principles of his philosophy.
Like philosopher talks about the nature of love can easily be confusing, can be dishonest.
Another book, which I haven't put on reserve yet but I'm going to, is by Peter Unger, who is a philosopher.
We can begin to see it is clear how Aristotle's best regime differs from Plato's intransigent demand for the rule of philosopher-kings.
Well, now as you will hear on several occasions over the course of the semester, I'm a philosopher.
The second, the abolition of the family, and the third wave being the establishment of the philosopher kings.
I was particularly interested in metaphysical poetry political philosophy -- I wrote my thesis on a radical political philosopher of the 17th century of the civil war period.
The issue of vagueness is summarized in a more technical way by the philosopher Karl Popper who described--who introduced the term of falsifiability.
Now these worries were raised by John Locke the great British philosopher, and he thought, this is too big a pill to swallow.
The superego, point to point, is not some brilliant moral philosopher telling you about right and wrong.
That's philosopher's jargon, that is to say, given the three premises, the conclusion really does follow.
What advice do you have for our young philosopher?
And consequently, though I was trained as analytical philosopher and logic philosopher in language or that. When I was graduated I didn't do things that way.
So the job of a good philosopher of his kind is to help make us our ideas clear And to do that, he worked out a logical system.