• It's phosphate, carbon, carbon, carbon, phosphate, carbon, carbon, carbon, phosphate and it has this structure hanging off the side.


    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • That doesn't heal naturally but can be reformed by other enzymes called ligases, ligases re-established the phosphate bonds.


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  • I couldn't have told you, for example, if we look at a phosphate group, that that's going to be incredibly important in DNA, that it's also an incredibly important group when you're dealing with proteins and whether you're turning the function of a protein on or off.


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  • The reason for that is that the 5' carbon is where the phosphate is attached.


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  • You know that these molecules are also linked in another way, by the phosphate bonds that connect the 3 and the 5 carbons of adjacent nucleotides.


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  • The phosphate group of one nucleotide gets linked to the sugar group of another nucleotide and I'm going to show you that in a few minutes.


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  • I would attach the phosphate that's connected to the 5' carbon of another nucleotide.


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  • The phosphate is linked to this carbon on the pentose, and notice that there is a number on this carbon, it's called - it's the 5' carbon.


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  • Now, being phosphorylated means that a phosphate group has been added to the protein, and phosphate groups can only be added to certain amino acids along a protein.


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  • You don't need to say anything more about the phosphate because they all have the phosphate and every set of these is hooked together in the same way.


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  • In nucleotide the phosphate is always attached to the 5' carbon.


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  • I could take and draw a line continually down the molecule where my finger was touching; my finger would be touching a phosphate here, the 5' carbon, the 4' carbon, the 3' carbon, and the next phosphate.

    我可以画一条这样的线,沿着这个分子不断向下延伸到我指的地方,我指的这一点代表着磷酸基,5' 碳部位,4'碳部位,3' 碳以及下一个磷酸基

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  • It's the phosphate and the pentose that make up the backbone - that make up the upright struts of the ladder and it's the bases that make up the connecting struts, so the bases are the colors.


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  • The reason that 3' is important is that when you polymerize two nucleotides together and a third nucleotide, and a fourth nucleotide, when you polymerize nucleotides together they get polymerized, the phosphate of one gets linked to the 3' carbon of another.


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  • So what's going to form the backbone is this continual link, phosphate to sugar, phosphate to sugar, phosphate to sugar, all linked together to form one long, long molecule.


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  • The 5' carbon has a phosphate off of it and that phosphate is linked to the 3' carbon of the next one and they all have a base hanging off the side.


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  • If I drew this altogether and this is one particular nucleic acid, now shown in more detail, all of the carbons of the pentose are shown here, the phosphate is shown, and a base is shown.


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  • This represents the upright struts on a ladder that I showed you before, it represents this backbone that's shown by - that's formed by polymerizing the pentose's together through phosphate's always going 5' to 3', 5' to 3'.

    线条代表梯子,上下的支柱 之前给你们演示过,代表由多聚戊糖分子,通过磷酸基从5'端向3'端方向,连接起来的主链

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