But when you have things like this, which is typical of suburban developments, it affects the physical activity a lot.
So the nutrition landscape and the physical activity landscape is changing and is sweeping way across the world.
By this we mean poor diet and physical activity and obesity, but history offers a depressing picture.
A new addition to this as well is the fact that you see the figure climbing the stairs, which connotes the importance of physical activity.
But what this study found was people were asked to estimate how much food they were consuming and how many calories they were burning through physical activity.
By the way, if we go back to this, another big part of disease--chronic disease that's related to diet, is the physical activity part of the equation.
顺便一说 我们回过去看,大多数疾病,与饮食有关的慢性疾病,与一个关于肢体运动的方程式有关
There's a group of people in the United States and elsewhere who studied something called the Built Environment- how the environment is built affects how much physical activity we get.
However, their biological relatives in Mexico would presumably have that same risk, but it would never be manifested if they're not exposed to what some have called a toxic food and physical activity environment.
Now here, they weren't estimating the calories they were just doing reports of how much physical activity they got and then the investigators calculated the calories and then the graph was created here.
It also depicts physical activity.
As we'll discuss in the class, and most of you probably know this, your body weight is a function of how many calories you take in and how many calories you burn off through metabolic processes but also physical activity.
Now, figure in the fact that smoking is playing a role, physical activity is playing a role, still just changing fruit and vegetable consumption potentially could reduce heart disease worldwide by this much: stroke by 19% and some cancers by as much as 20%.
In the case of energy expenditure, how many calories people were burning, there wasn't quite such a difference, but again, it was in the favor of the individuals, that the people were estimating they burned this many calories from physical activity, but this is actually the number that they burned.