We may come back and pick on you later on in the course, but we'll leave it for now.
So, you can either pick up an old issue or I put the link on the website, too. And that's not just about his research, it's also about some of his memories as a student and advice to all of you.
That means that you want to pick, ultimately, a point on this-- this line is tangent to the efficient portfolio frontier with all the other assets in it.
So the question I want to leave you with today and that I want to pick up again on Wednesday is, ? in the end, what do societies require more of?
Ale you want to pick on somebody?
Now, I've highlighted three of these in blue here, imaging, mechanics, and biomolecular engineering because if you go on to study Biomedical Engineering here at Yale anyway, these are the things that you might pick to emphasize on.
And the challenge for scheduling is to pick the things that you want the president to be working on and the president wants to be focusing on proactively rather than just reacting to whatever the crisis on the day was.
But, I think what most of you, actually having MIT come to MIT, have probably realized is sometimes it's nice to major in a science, because you can't just pick up a reaction and do it in your kitchen on the weekend, where as you can sometimes join a book group and do that.