And it's just like a platform for that; for artists both well-known and not so well-known.
We've introduced a whole new platform for writing Smart applications in the internet, a new version of Windows that we call, "Windows Azure."
So sadly it is a threat that still acting, and Afghnastan is still a platform where we have to fight.
Part of their platform is that everything is form.
Again, I don't have data to back this up, but just common sense suggests to me that the common case is if I'm on the subway platform I want to get on that train and maybe I want to get back and where are those two buttons, right?
Once that's clear, we will send it to the necessary application, be it a search engine or anti-virus software, or a stock search, or shopping, or FriendFinder - anything that can be plugged into this kind of platform.
They have free concerts there sometimes. And It's just like a platform for...
The class just seemed to be a platform for Kagan to throw out random ideas " and the students were never required to engage in any thought."
It takes place in small rooms. If you begin to think about it, you can almost see the set changes: in the diner, on the train station. That's about the most open place, on the train platform. That's about the most open place we see.
I think of Square as a platform that's going to build an ecosystem around it.
and they don't really have a platform to show their work.
Sometimes you're standing on the subway platform.