They'll say, I usually play for more money and it's hard to concentrate or I'm just screwing around.
And if you are prepared to stand up for about two and a half to three hours to watch a play,
I could play for you, for example, a little bit of Mozart.
Let me play for you, what this neuron recording sounds like.
Each of them is trying to play a best response for what they anticipate the other person's going to do.
They used to play cards, I'm sure. And they invited him to their homes for all their parties.
So we just basically did some basic deep breathing, helping them to remember when they used to play, the way when they really enjoyed it, what was different for them.
One asks for mournful melodies; Accomplished fingers begin to play.
The essay that you read in its entirety for today, "Structure, Sign and Play in the Language of the Human Sciences," was delivered on the occasion of a conference about "the sciences of man" at Johns Hopkins University in 1966.
For me it was... I play on the golf team here, I was the captain of the team.
And so if you are a bit of a geek and would like to play net/aces with this you can go to and I don't think Willie will give it to you to keep but you can borrow and play for some amount of time in exchange for some feedback on it.
For the most part, they play electronic something.
These signaling proteins play important roles in determining how many cells differentiate down particular pathways and they turn out also to be very useful for treating diseases of those pathways.
We know, for instance, machines can play chess.
I actually want to change that around, if I might, and play with that, because that's a really useful image for us: "takes the mask off literature and reminds us how we come to be sympathetic or Richard Wright how we come to think something." Think back to Richard Wright, who wants words to disappear, to be completely transparent and to leave you just with your response.
and they just play, like, weird techno music and then you go there for like, fifteen minutes.