So let's go ahead and introduce a couple other capabilities so that we can finally start writing programs that maybe print out charts or interact with the user, play games, or the like.
Can you tell us about the video games that you play?
You played the game; I don't know if there's a videogame now, if people play games like this where London Bridge is Falling Down.
This is our first game and we're going to play games throughout the course, sometimes several times a week, sometimes just once a week.
这是第一游戏 整个课程充满了游戏,有时候一周做几次,有时一周一次
Don't play games with me.
They build them, they do what if games, they play with them, and then they try and adjust them to get them right The nice thing here is, you can decide whether you believe momentum and see what it would mean, or not mean, etc.
Something like video games. So kids play video games but this model shop may continue to sell these complicated models. The next I want to show you is a sight I explore father-son relationship.
I think that some video games are important to play
And it feel like really this is just one of those like games the magicians play in the square where you are literally moving the cups around accomplishing nothing other than confusion - with the audience but-- which may actually be the case-- but, I argue that this is actually better.
You might play some games, - you might play like checkers and these kinds of-- bones, bone knuckle bones games, that you can still see.
So there's going to be lots of times in this class when we get to play games, we get to have classroom discussions and so on, but there's going to be some times when we have to slow down and do some work, and the next twenty minutes are going to be that.
Now one reason it's a fun class, is the nice thing about teaching Game Theory quieten down folks- one thing about teaching Game Theory is, you get to play games, and that's exactly what we've just been doing now.
If you want play video games on it, good luck.
That's one of my favorites that I play a lot. But I also like some games on XBOX 360.
The way we teach this class is we're going to play games, we're going to have discussions, we're going to talk among the class, and you're going to be learning from each other, and I want you to help people watching at home to be able to learn too.
We know that if these players play these games, at least if we believe in Nash Equilibrium, then they're gonna produce these quantities, they're going to produce here.