Often, to illustrate the issues of ambiguity, people have collected poorly thought-out headlines in newspaper reports that play on--that inadvertently have ambiguity.
For me it was... I play on the golf team here, I was the captain of the team.
He argued that in 586, with the destruction of Jerusalem and the people were taken into exile in Babylon, that was when, in Babylon, the priests were able to assume control, and they were able to play on the exiles' overwhelming feelings of guilt and failure.
So they play on sports teams, they're involved in clubs, etc. and things like that. And, so
That's a brilliant market timing device that-- I think enlightened people thought that those prices were getting high-- and also made some play on credit spreads and now on real estate, he said.
or on whatever else they play on. I can't remember what they play on.
It's much more interesting if you can actually build things that are interactive, that are animated, that play music and so forth and not just produce things on day 1 that outputs zeroes and ones like this.
Misunderstood as a satire on the Irish peasantry, Yeats's production of the play led to riots in 1909.
So, if there is one section of the lecture that I went a little too quickly for, you could say, gee, if I could just see that five minutes, you could click on it, zoom into that five minutes, play it a few times, and then say, I still don't know what he's talking about.
We've got lots of things going on here this morning so just play a scale quickly and then vibrato, pizzicato and tremolo for us.
On my computer at home I've got a program that allows my computer to play chess.
Pygmalion was then taken by George Bernard Shaw, who created a play based on a similar idea which was made into a musical, "My Fair Lady".
If you want play video games on it, good luck.
Let me just say something about the Clouds this comic play this satire on Socrates because it is part of that initial accusation that Socrates says is leveled against him.
So, studies with police officers using reaction time in split-second choices on who to shoot find that your stereotypical attitudes play a huge role in who you're likely to shoot when they're holding an object in their hand that's unclear.
So there's going to be lots of times in this class when we get to play games, we get to have classroom discussions and so on, but there's going to be some times when we have to slow down and do some work, and the next twenty minutes are going to be that.