I'm not quite sure where, on balance, we should say how these things play out.
You know, children play out in the streets. You don't find that very much over here.
Let's show you graphically how this might play out.
Let's see how this would play out.
He is Lear, Romeo, Oedipus, Tiresias; he has stepped out of a play and even the woman he loves is Rosalind, Cleopatra, never The Dark Lady.
Often, to illustrate the issues of ambiguity, people have collected poorly thought-out headlines in newspaper reports that play on--that inadvertently have ambiguity.
Taking me out of play, there are other people out there that this technology can really help.
On 223 we find out that Mona, Lolita's friend from the play, her baby sibling--we're not told whether it's a boy or girl--dies, and we see it in one of those parentheticals, 223. This is Mona's letter.
typically, if you play poker in a card room or a casino, I would say nine times out of ten somebody sitting at the table will tell you that they're not trying; it almost always happens.
In principle, we could play this with the whole class, but let's single out a particular row of the class so I'm going to come down here and I guess eventually, well I'll grab it in a minute.
It turns out that your friend has snuck off because your friend doesn't want to play.
So let's go ahead and introduce a couple other capabilities so that we can finally start writing programs that maybe print out charts or interact with the user, play games, or the like.
These signaling proteins play important roles in determining how many cells differentiate down particular pathways and they turn out also to be very useful for treating diseases of those pathways.
Well, I see it where..sort of play itself out us India has been debating whether to expand itself to include China, Japan... Korea, as well as... -I see it is a sociation of east Asia... -Economies got to send themselves in southeast Asia... -Em.
That's a one-movement work in which the composer tries to tell a story or play out an historic event or, in the case of the Strauss, to give us the beginning of the contents of a philosophical novel through music.
There will be millions of kids out there now that say "Gee, I'd like to learn to play the violin too."
But it's still a promise, and it's a promise of the powers of imagination and of poetry, and of poetry made out of play, of a child's play.