For example, he begins by borrowing the Russian formalist distinction in trying to explain what fiction is between plot and story.
You just keep, you know. If you understand what's happening with the plot and you are enjoying the plot
That's not good enough, and so the repetition in the plot reinforces the repetition of the sound in question.
And we can actually better visualize this if we plot how that energy changes as a function of internuclear distance.
Through the dynamics of the counter-plot, the similes reassure us of what Hartman calls the "graceful coexistence of free will and divine providence."
Let's plot droplet velocity as a function of looking at the number that have this velocity 0 with the zero being in the center here.
It can be the grandness of the Grand Canyon, But it can also be this little tiny nature is in that same little tiny plot.
So, this unfolding of the plot and the epic story has been very, very interesting to watch, especially if you look back to that time when he came back to the company.
Square root of 16, and my plot basically shows it crosses at 4 and-- well, I think that's minus 4.
So, I've got here a term structure; well, the term structure is the plot of yield-to-maturity against time-to-maturity.
If you read a quick plot summary here, I'll just give you a little teaser. All right.
Quite a lot of you; this is a movie, it has pretty good action, virtually no plot.
Each one of those electrodes allows us to measure, we plot voltage verses time, ? this signal coming from the tip of that electrode. Ok?
When he is gone from Moscow and then St. Petersburg, there was always this tendency to have these sort of cabales to get together and sort of plot.
And the plot thickens if you look ahead to Section 140.
If you were to follow the procedure, which the Greeks did not, of primogenitor,that is, of giving the whole plot to the eldest son, but what happens to the others?